2023 - A Big year!
Santiam Pass Ski Lodge in the early 1960s
We have a very robust list of projects planned for 2023. The focus of Phase One of the project is to restore the exterior of the lodge to its original appearance and reestablish the major utilities. Projects addressed in 2023 will complete this phase.
These are:
(1) Completion of the installation of the vertical board & batten and horizontal siding. All the materials are presently on site, the labor costs to complete the work will be $40,000.
(2) The stone foundation and chimney will be pointed and sealed. While this is being performed, the firebox in the lodge Great Room will be rebuilt and the two chimney flues will be relined. Cost - $85,404.
(3) The roof is 20 years past its useful life and needs to be replaced with new cedar shakes. Cost - $130,050.
(4) The distinctive “stockade” style vertical log entry and iconic staircase was restored in 2022, but three smaller log staircases need to be built for access to the hallway and dining hall. Cost - $25,500.
(5) A new well will be drilled providing water to the lodge. This will require trenching for electric to the pump, the water line, and a shed over the pump. Cost - $125,000.
(6) The septic system needs to be replaced, which will include a new septic tank and drain field. Cost - $100,000.
For more information, please see our web page (www.santiampassskilodge.org) and our Facebook page
Click HERE to see the 2020 Capital Campaign video outlining the work that will complete Phase One.
Friends of Santiam Pass Ski Lodge is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
NOTE: If you prefer to donate via US Mail please send your contribution to:
Friends of Santiam Pass Ski Lodge
PO Box 1135
Sisters, OR 97759
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Tell Your Story!
Tell us your stories about the Lodge. We are looking for photos, memories, anything you would like to share.
Send us your stories to friends@santiampassskilodge.org