The logos below are links to the web sites of those who have contributed to the lodge restoration.
2020 Restoration Progress
Our 2020 goal was to finish the exterior of the lodge structure. Accomplishing this goal began with structural repairs that of necessity precede and prepare for the installation of the siding, windows, and roof. There were four areas of concern: (1) Repair of dry rot in the sill plates (2) Reconstruction of the 8’x20’ hallway, (3) Reconstruction of the bowing southwest wall, and (4) Repair of the “stockade” entry. This year we were able complete 1, 2 and part of 3 above. Although some aesthetic changes were made, the work seen below focused on restoring the lodge's structural integrity. We are happy to say that this was a great success! In an unexpected and yet very important development, we also removed the roofing shingles and a layer of asbestos felt, and had a temporary roof installed (see the pictures toward the bottom of the page). The work below was funded by a grant from The Kinsman Foundation and donations from the public. We have such appreciation for those who have given generously to see the lodge restored!