2022 Restoration Progress!

Porch Repairs and Staircase.

Work on the “Stockade” style vertical log porch has begun. The picture on the left shows the vestibule that was built over the entry in the late 1970s. The picture on the right shows the porch in 2019 just after the demolition of the late addition.

Miguel Medina and Kenny Knish replace the rotting sill plates. A number of the vertical logs required replacement due to Carpenter Ants. All usable existing logs were kept in place. These guys are experts at removing the rotting wood and patching it with new.

Logs were moved from the storage lot in La Pine to be prepped (Left). Miguel Medina of Beaver Creek Log Homes in Sisters, OR, cuts and preps the logs before they can be put into place.

The pictures show the before and after of the porch work. The log crowns have been replace along with all of the missing or deteriorated logs. Next comes the staircase!

A number of the vertical logs needed to be replace because they wee rotting or eaten in he center by carpenter ants.

The platform and staircase required new concrete footings.


Dream Cleanz Commercial Services

Lodge Cleaning

With all of the construction work it is difficult to keep a 6000 sq. ft. structure clean. We called Jim Gurney from Dream Cleanz Commercial Services in Sisters and Bend Oregon to come take a look at the job. After inspection Jim suggested Dream Cleanz donate their services. Without being able to see all that needed be to cleaned, it is difficult to understand the generosity of this offer. Jim and the crew came in and did a marvelous job cleaning not so nice areas of the lodge. It’s not easy cleaning around all the stuff and hiding places of unwanted pest. We are so blessed to have their professional help! We look forward to working with them for years to come.

Preparing for Phase Two



Pouring the concrete for the footings.

The platform off the porch allows for ADA access to the door below.

The stair stringers are installed.

Steps in place and posts for the handrails.

The new entrance is complete!