The Kinsman Foundation awards Friends of Santiam Pass Ski Lodge $15,000 for structural repairs.

Large foundation beams with dry rot need to be removed and replaced.

Large foundation beams with dry rot need to be removed and replaced.

For a second year The Kinsman Foundation has awarded Friends of Santiam Pass Ski Lodge a generous grant for restoration work. The $15,000 grant will go toward paying for structural repairs. Dry rot on foundation sill plates must be repaired before any other work can be completed. This will require jacking the structure and replacing all rotted wood. The front wall of the lodge, the hallway, dining hall and the original stockade style entry all require some foundation work. The total cost of the repairs will be about $100,000. This generous grant puts us on our way to making these repairs. Once these repairs are completed the lodge will receive a new roof and siding, the windows will be installed, and the rock foundation mortar will be pointed. This will complete Phase One of the restoration, with the exterior “envelop” of the lodge closed and secured. All deterioration will be halted at this point, and we will move the restoration work to the interior. A huge thanks goes to The Kinsman Foundation for their continuing support.

Noah Sheets